We All Have A Story

Weekly Blog: We All Have A Story

You know, it’s hard as a songwriter. There is this strange balance that has to occur on every venture when I start the process of writing a song. I definitely want to be true to myself, but I want to also create a piece of music that the audience wants to actually listen to. There is this constant questioning that happens along every step of the way. Is this right? Does it sound right? Do I like it? Do I think they will like it? Is it saying something that is important? Is it telling a story? Does the story make sense? Is it too long? Is it too short? Blah Blah Blah… and on and on it goes. Most songwriters I know are, in the “real world,” rather shy individuals that are extremely afraid of vulnerability, therefore, it is easier for them to express themselves through music. However, as I sit here 7 hours later from my first key played this morning….. it certainly hasn’t been EASY. My goodness, write and rewrite, records and re-record, again and again until I almost want to give up. But then just as soon as I want to walk away, another idea pops in my head. What if I tried this?

It really never has an ending! I swear! Just as I think I have played the song the way I think it needs to be played… something different shows up in my head. Then I want to play with that until it drives me nuts and I want to give up again. It’s crazy. I am tired. I will absolutely wear myself out on a song trying to get it just right. Is there something in your life that drives you crazy that way? What if we all were songwriters or just simply storytellers in some way? What would your song sound like? What would your story be about? Love? Adventure? Heartbreak? Endings? Beginnings? Pain? Sorrow? Do you dare ask yourself what it would be? Could you express your story or your song?

I would be quite fascinated to know what people would write about. So, I am just going to throw this out there for all of us to experiment with. If I could put your story into a song, what would it be about? Put your themes in the comment section below and let’s create something really cool, together!!