The Story Behind The Music: "Two Pointed Rifles"
The Story Behind The Song: "Two Pointed Rifles"
Here we are again, taking an in depth look at a song on my latest album, "Just Me." Today, I am inspired to tell the story behind the song, "Two Pointed Rifles." This is one of the first songs I wanted to put on this album for a number of reasons. The main reason being it was a way for me to communicate my "political view." On most days, I am not really one to lead any particular political cry when it comes to societal issues because of the tendency for the emotional schisms it creates within relationships. Everyone has their opinions on the various issues and I certainly respect each individuals sovereign right to think as they wish. Where this song comes from, however, is the destructive nature of seeking external solutions for internal dysfunctions. Let's look at the lyrics:
"Breakdown all the facets of what you should notice, takedown all the masks to your name"
Maybe we could all benefit from more self analysis, beginning with my name, who is “Stacey Hampton”? Whom does it represent? Whom do I re-present to the world? An individual or family name? A generation? A blood lineage? With whom is my name connected? Does my name truly re-present Who I Am? Is it a natural representative of Who I Am or is it simply a Legal representative for me to try and navigate within a society? Am I my name?
"Breakdown at the core of what you believe in takedown all the ties to their game"
When I voice any opinions or thoughts on political, social, or economic viewpoints, is it truly what I believe to be spiritually correct or is it simply a regurgitation of someone else's viewpoint that I have been taught? How many of us have taken a particular stance on such issues without question? Blind faith if you will. Is it possible that the "powers that be" want exactly what is happening across every political, social, or economic issue and that is constant fighting? Have I ever stopped to consider that as long as I am stuck in this mindset of "us against them" no matter the issue, the "powers that be" continue with their endgame of greed and power without notice?
"Breakdown all the violence with sounds of the silence takedown what you think may be sane"
My reflection on this particular verse brings me to a discussion I had with a Veteran friend of mine. Now, before I go any further, I am NOT anti-military in any way, shape or form. I DO believe there is a purpose for a united defense force for any group of people for the sole purpose of protecting said group from outside intruders hellbent on violating their sovereign rights such as Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (gee that sounds familiar). So, with that being said, back to the discussion with my friend who is a Veteran. We were talking about the United States drone strike on a residential neighborhood in Kabul, Afghanistan back in January 2021 that ended up in the killing of innocent civilians instead of the killing of any perceived terrorist threats. My friend, who was just as disturbed as I was, and I were discussing what the difference was between protection and pursuit. When did protection turn into pursuit with clear intent to kill (I do believe our own laws identify that with murder)? And at what point does ANYONE along the chain of command stop, with some sort of conscience, and say, "Whoa, this is not right." Of course my Veteran friend said, "well, in the military you cannot question orders." Ok, well, I get that, to a certain extent, but does it make any sane sense to sit back and be the guy that pushes the "fire" button that murders an entire neighborhood of innocent civilians and the justification was to "just follow orders"? And why, as a society or hell, even as individuals is it so damn easy to stay silent and put our heads in the sand in situations like these? Is it because we have been told what a "terrorist" looks like? Brown, Muslim, Middle Eastern. Yup, that's the one! So they are less than human? Is that really sane? How do we think they look at us Americans now? Oh, and the debate starts, I'm sure.... go ahead, it's fine. I challenge all to have a voice! We all do. And I emphasize ALL. Not just white, not just American, not just men, not just straight, and certainly not just a select few in power that do not have to answer for their egregious actions. I encourage ALL to question EVERYTHING. It is only in the last analysis that the TRUTH will be found, but we all have to start somewhere.
"Breakdown all the lines that have drown you so far from the takedown of the colors that bleed."
We, as humans, bleed the same. We can continue this fighting, this mindset of "us against them" and just keep on repeating what has been going on for thousands of years with our race. And when I say race, I am talking about the human race. And it is just that isn't it? A race. Who can climb to the top the fastest? Isn't that what we all do on a daily basis? More power, more money, more cars, more houses, more awards, blah blah blah, more more more. And the race starts. And we all do it, without question. But I digress. We have created lines, borders, countries. The only place these are seen are on maps. I mean if I were to try and physically find the Canadian border or the Mexican border, the only way I can identify them is with man created signs or man created maps, I mean there are no physical lines represented naturally in the earth's surface from a biological standpoint that says, here is the Canadian border. (Imagine a hiker pointing to the ground saying, “Oh, there’s the line, right there in the dirt right between the tree and the rock!”) And with so called created lines comes created allegiances. And with these created allegiances comes the "us against them" mentality that hardens the conscience into a state that says "they" are less than "us". But at the end of the day the grave is for us all isn't it? I love it when I see "God bless America." You mean to tell me that God, the Almighty, Creator of the Universe, only loves Americans? God is not in the Middle East, or the Congo? Or in Sierra Leone? Personally, I believe God loves us ALL and It's heart breaks at what we do to each other.
So, finally, "It's the same old cycle, Two Pointed Rifles, Tell me, you don't know"
The chorus says it all. Nothing has changed over the thousands of years man has walked this earth. The cycle continues just with new technology and new names for the game. And we can look to politicians all we want to try and "fix" it. But the truth is until we all look internally into our own hearts and get honest about the sins that are buried there and become willing to become better on an individual level, nothing on the outside will change. NOTHING. NO-THING.